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How to Make Essential Oils
I’m assuming you are reading this for one of two reasons; you either want to know how to make essential oil or you are the curious type who wants to know how essentials oils are made. Either way, you first need to know what an essential oil is and what it is not. Read More ...

Homemade Dog Shampoo – A must have recipe for both dogs and cats
Many of the divas that come to SpaFromScratch have canine and or feline buddies. Did you know that you can create an awesome spa day for your pet? Well you can. It doesn’t make a bit of difference whether you believe a dog is one of the best friends you can have or if it’s a cat. Read More ...

Take The Itch Out of Bug Bites Fast
Since stinging, biting bugs have no respect for a goddess that cares about the appearance of her skin. This post is how to make the itchy and sometimes painful stings and bites go away Read More ...

Treating Sunburn
No matter how much our doctors harp at us about avoiding sunburn, some of us are going to end up with sunburn anyway. It might be because we forgot to apply our lotion. It might be because we stuck our arms out the open window of our car. It might be because we pay no attention to what our doctors tell us. We know people ignore what medicine teaches because there are still adult smokers. Regardless of the reason we get our sunburns, whether accidental or excuseless (like in my case) it’s good to know how to go about treating sunburn. Read More ...

Fabulous Outdoor Summer Spa Party
It’s a lot of fun to have outdoor parties of any kind when the weather turns hot, but an outdoor spa party is unbelievably fun. Your party needn’t be a big gala affair, but rather an intimate and cooling experience for you and your friends. What follows are easy to do ideas that will make for a terrific time for everyone at your summer spa party, including you. Read More ...

Quercetin for Allergies
There’s nothing beautiful about a red runny nose from allergies. Plus, allergies can get in the way of having fun. So, I decided to do some research and see if there was anything that would help relieve allergy symptoms besides over the counter antihistamines. The first thing I found was raves on the benefits of quercetin for allergies. Separating the fact from the fiction was my goal. This post only represents my findings with regards to quercetin for allergies. Read More ...